Search Results

1091-1100 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Greetings from the Communist Party of Bangladesh

Message of greetings from the Communist Party of Bangladesh to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

July 20, 2005
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Greetings from the Communist Party of Vietnam

Message of greetings from the Communist Party of Vietnam to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Greetings from the German Communist Party

Message of greetings from the German Communist Party to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Building the Peoples Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Newspaper

Whereas, in the period since the 27th Convention of the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) the Peoples Weekly World (PWW) has experienced exciting changes: ...

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Puerto Rico

Whereas, the United States government took over the island nation of Puerto Rico through a war of imperialist conquest in 1898 and since then has been a colony of the U.S.; and, ...

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Immigrant Rights

Whereas, human migration has under conditions of advanced capitalism, imperialism and corporate-driven globalization, reached an unprecedented scale in our time. ...

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on African American Equality

Whereas, the policies of the Bush Administration pose the gravest threat to the African American people. ...

Keynote to the 28th National Convention of the Communist Party, USA

Attached files ConventionKeynote.pdf ( ConventionKeynote.pdf 477.85KB ) PDF version of Sam Webb's keynote address INDEPENDENCE DAY We gather on the eve of the day marking the revolution that founded our nation. U.S. communists take enormous pride in this great struggle that at once severed our colonial dependence on Britain and radically transformed the life of our country. Notwithstanding conventional wisdom, Marxism doesnt cast a scornful eye at our democratic heritage...

July 01, 2005
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On Criticisms From The 'Left'

We are now winding up one of the more fruitful pre-Convention discussion periods. The publication of the Draft Main Political Resolution and the Draft Program early in the discussion period was a significant factor in its productivity. ... A small scattering of members around the country expressed similar but not identical differences with the direction of the Party leadership.

BY:Danny Rubin|June 23, 2005
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Towards a Resolution on Mexican American Equality

The slogan of Chicano Liberation in the 70's and Mexican American Equality in the 80's and 90's, still ring true. Today an updated slogan would be Equal Partners In Struggle against the Bush Agenda, against the right wing dominance of the most reactionary sector of US global monopolies.

June 22, 2005
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