Without the land connection and to rely solely on the cultural distinctions of African Americans, would be to pursue a policy of regressive segregation.
We stand at a pivotal crossroads where the actions we take today will shape the society we inherit tomorrow.
The struggle for survival by the Palestinian peoples is a special concern for activists gathering here today in Dearborn, Michigan.
Communists fight for a consistent, working-class policy that combats every single fascist and war-mongering maneuver.
Una mirada detrás del furor antiinmigrante. ¡Un llamado a la acción en apoyo a los derechos de los inmigrantes!
A look behind the anti-immigrant furor. A call to action in support of immigrants’ rights!
Ohio comrades joined community activists and union members mobilized against gentrification and for Senator Sherrod Brown's re-election. Here's what happened.
Workers reject individual violence in favor of engaging in collective struggle like strikes and electoral struggle to move society forward. Worker led unity in struggle is our weapon.
Revised resolution #5 on defeating the fascist right in the 2024 election.
SACP Central Committee statement evaluating recent South African elections.