'...Now dont get me wrong I am not suggesting that we abandon Marxist principles and methodology, but Marxism can only claim a scientific character if it takes into account new realities, if it absorbs new experience, if it is open-ended to new analytical insights by Marxists and non-Marxists alike.'
The concerns of most Americans who find it harder and harder to make ends meet, and who want to bring our troops home from Iraq, were ignored by George W. Bush in his State of the Union address. As if the 2006 elections to change the countrys direction had never happened, Bushs proposals only represented the interests of his narrow base, the haves and the have mores.
Chairman of the Communist Party USA expressed his belief in the success of the socialist national construction cause, especially how it is being executed by the Vietnamese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).
HA NOI Nong Duc Manh, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, welcomed the leader of the US Communist Party in Ha Noi yesterday, discussing ways for the Vietnamese and American parties to promote bilateral relations.
Report by Joelle Fishman, Chair CPUSA Political Action Commission, to the Nov 18, 2006 meeting of the CPUSA National Committee Download a PDF version of this report. Play the MP3 audio Or, download the MP3 audio INTRODUCTION Congratulations on an extraordinary year of labor-led all peoples front organizing and fight back. The right-wing stranglehold on Congress has been broken! The elections are a stunning people’s victory – part of...
The following statement by the National Peace and Solidarity Commission of the Communist Party USA was released on Oct. 30. In the aftermath of the Oct. 9 nuclear test by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea), many in the region and around the world now worry about the acceleration of nuclear proliferation and the threat to peaceful coexistence in Northeast Asia. The greatest threat is a nuclear showdown...
The National Board of the Communist Party USA released the following appeal on Sept. 25: The Nov. 7 midterm elections are less than six weeks away. The stakes have never been so high: Control of the House and Senate and governorships nationwide. A recent poll shows that 75 percent of voters are disgusted by the Republican majority House and Senate, the highest disapproval rate since 1994. They are frustrated at...
The pressure for troop withdrawal is growing, so much so that earlier this summer Democrats introduced two resolutions in the Senate. One, authored by Senator Kerry, envisions a short exit strategy and a role for the international community. The other, which has the support of nearly 40 Democratic senators and may be re-introduced this fall, calls for troop withdrawal beginning this winter, but the flaw is that it leaves the...
The Bush Administration and the Republican controlled Congress have created our nation's worst Constitutional crisis since the Civil War... Brazenly, they have placed themselves above the law... • Read the Spanish Version • Download PDF Brochure (bi-lingual)
LOS ANGELES Dubbed as the first comprehensive gathering of Latino leaders since the civil rights movement of the 1960s and 70s, over 3,000 participants assembled here Sept. 6-10 at the National Latino Congreso.