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1101-1110 OF 1,180 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Excerpts from the Classics: Democracy, Fascism and the State

This section begins with Engels and Lenin discussing the role of the state and democracy, as a form of the state and its class characteristics. Lenin then discusses the importance of democracy and the fight for it under capitalism.

November 12, 2002
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Excerpts from the Classics: Peace, War and Internationalism

Given the nature of weaponry today, the struggle for peace is one of the most important, one of the struggles through which tactics brings to life a strategic policy.

November 09, 2002
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Excerpts from the Classics: Theory of the Struggle for Progress and Socialism

The quotations in this section deal with the subjective side, human activity, the theory of socialist revolution, what policies, activities, issues of struggle, forms of struggle and organizations are required to win progress and socialism. Such policies are treated as needing to be and 'scientifically based and artfully applied.'

November 09, 2002
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Excerpts from the Classics: Dialectical Materialism

This section is organized in a sequence similar to a textbook on dialectical materialism. After discussing the nature and role of philosophy, the quotations focus on materialism and the basic conflict with philosophical idealism, then on the nature of dialectics, the three laws of dialectics and some categories (less important laws), and finally the theory of knowledge, the nature of knowledge and how to gain knowledge.

November 09, 2002
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Excerpts from the Classics: Average Profit

Average Profit "The profit occurring in accordance with this general rate of profit to any capital of a given magnitude, whatever its organic composition, is called the average profit." Marx, Capital, pub.1894, IP, Vol.3, p.158 Law of average profit. "Under capitalist production the general law acts as the prevailing tendency only in a very complicated and approximate manner, as a never ascertainable average of ceaseless fluctuations." Marx, Capital, pub.1894,...

November 09, 2002
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Excerpts from the Classics: Theory of Objective Processes and Methodology

Quotations in this section deal with the theory of the nature and role of objective processes in social development, starting with a section on 'Historical Materialism' which applies the philosophy and methodology of dialectical materialism to society. Then objective processes in the economy of capitalism are dealt with in the section titled 'Political Economy of Capitalism.'

November 09, 2002
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Web-Links: Fight to Defeat the Right

Web Sites of Some National Organizations Working Locally to Defeat the Right-Wing in 2002

Getting the message out with the People's Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo

Every national newspaper in the country – from the NY Times to the Washington Post to the LA Times to USA Today has begun their election 2002 coverage. Each has their own class and social-oriented editorial line towards the issues and events that mark the landscape leading up to the elections and beyond. Yet many working class and democractic organizations are just starting or have not yet put the elections...

August 06, 2002
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Vote to Defeat the Right-Wing on Nov.

This report will focus on our three-part strategy in this year's election: to defeat the Republican ultra-right; to build political independence; and to make a turn in the Party so that building the clubs is at the center of our work.

August 06, 2002
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Tax Reform Brochure, July 2002

Eliminate the Sales Tax Tax the Rich Working people, small farmers, and small businesspeople in Washington State pay too much in taxes. Thats because big businesses and the wealthy dont pay their fair share. To solve the current state budget crisis, to adequately support the needs of the people of our state for education, health care, transportation, and other social programs, we have to tax the rich! Since the late...