Search Results

1071-1080 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

CPUSA Statement in Response to Bush Immigration Speech

George W. Bushs speech to the nation on May 15, 2006 highlighting deployment of the National Guard to the Mexican border represents an aggressive policy of racist, anti-immigrant demonization and hysteria. It was a demagogic attempt to mobilize the conservative base and appeal to fear in the lead-up to the November Election, and impact the current Senate debate...

May 17, 2006
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Club Educational Study Guide: Immigrant Rights

This educational has the goal of upgrading our understanding of the struggle for immigrant rights and against repressive immigration legislation which is taking place right now throughout the country. The goal is to place in bold relief the central problems of inequality, criminalization, and the greed of US corporations. The suggested readings which are attached include the 2006 report to the National Board on immigration, the resolution on immigration passed...

Election 2006: The Stakes Are Very High

Main Report to National Committee, March 4, 2006 In my report to the National Committee last fall, I noted that the cumulative weight of an increasingly unpopular war, Katrina, indictments, incompetence, corruption, scandals, cronyism, and deeply felt anxiety with energy costs and the economy had taken its toll on the standing of the Bush administration...

April 14, 2006
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Change Congress 2006!Report to the National Committee

Karl Rove, top Bush advisor now facing possible indictment, arrogantly declared the Republicans will use fear of terrorism once again to win the elections in 2006. It will be about the Republicans post-9/11 worldview versus the Democrats pre-9/11 worldview he said at the Republican National Committee...

March 15, 2006
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Club Educational Study Guide: African American History Month 2006

February presents us once again with an opportunity to strengthen our basic understanding of the fight for democracy and social progress in our country. One decisive question is the relationship of the struggle of the working class to the struggle of the African American people. The core forces of the forward motion for social progress in our country consist of the working class and its organized form, the labor movement,...

BY:Communist Party USA|February 15, 2006
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34,000 subway and bus workers on strike in New York need your emergency help.

At the heart of this strike are issues facing all workers and their unions. The transit authority, sitting on a $1 billion surplus, is demanding cuts in health care and pensions. This comes primarily in the form of demanding a two tier pension and health care system for new hires.

BY:CPUSA Labor Commission|December 23, 2005
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Political Storm in USCPUSA report to the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties

Report of the CPUSA delegate to the International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties 'Current Trends In Capitalism: Economic, Social And Political Impact. The Communists' Alternative' Athens, 18-20 November, 2005. The United States is going through one of the most politically turbulent periods in recent memory. The administration of George W. Bush is facing a profound crisis of legitimacy.

December 23, 2005
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Main Political Report to the Oct 15-16 NC Meeting

The purpose of my report is to present a picture of the political situation and its evolution since our Convention. Normally we might not do this, but things have happened over the past four months that are anything but normal. Indeed, the political landscape has tilted enough that the National Board thought it would be useful for the National Committee to take a fresh look at the status of the...

November 16, 2005
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Report on the 2006 Elections

I would like to begin by recognizing and appreciating our local candidates who are out in the field in this election cycle. Through them we build on the legacy of the great Benjamin J. Davis, Communist Councilman from Harlem, and others who served the needs of working people valiantly in public office. At this moment, what a great contribution our candidates have to make from the grass roots up, projecting...

November 16, 2005
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Report on the Draft Program - The Road to Socialism

Report by Marc Brodine, Chair of the Program Committee for the 28th Convention of the CPUSA. The report set the stage at the Convention for discussing, amending and adopting the .

BY:Marc Brodine|August 18, 2005
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