Search Results

1081-1090 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Greetings form the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL)Cyprus

Message of greetings from the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL)Cyprus to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Communist Party Statement on CAFTA

This morning President Bush signed the Central American Free Trade Act-Dominican Republic (CAFTA) a trade agreement between the United States, and El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic. Last week the bill narrowly passed the Senate after midnight-hour wrangling, threats and bribery by the Republican Party. The Communist Party, USA denounces this agreement and believes it bodes ill for the working people of the U.S. and...

August 03, 2005
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Club Educational Study Guide: Reflections on Socialism

A guide to leading a discussion of Sam Webb's Reflections of Socialism paper in your local Club or District.

Greetings from the Portuguese Communist Party

Message of greetings from the Portuguese Communist Party to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Greetings from the Sudanese Communist Party

Message of greetings from the Sudanese Communist Party to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Greetings from the South African Communist Party

Message of greetings from the South African Communist Party to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Greetings from the Communist Party of Cuba (English)

Message of greetings from the Communist Party of Cuba to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA (in English).

Greetings from the Japanese Communist Party

Message of greetings from the Japanese Communist Party to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Greetings from the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)

Message of greetings from the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) to the 28th National Convention of the CPUSA.

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Leonard Peltier

Whereas, Leonard Peltier remains in prison even though findings by the Eighth Court of Appeals have shown the FBI improperly withheld evidence. This evidence would have acquitted Leonard Peltier. Yet the Government was determined to secure a conviction against him. A new trial was denied due to a legal technicality...