Search Results

1111-1120 OF 1,236 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

The Struggle for African American Equality: Today's Challenges

The movement of the African American people for full social economic, and political equality has always played a decisive role in the over all struggle for democracy and socialism.

May 14, 2005
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Youth and the Fight to Defeat the Ultra-Right: How Do We Fit In?

Our generation is under attack. Despite his bad showing with youth, Bush has showed that the close 2004 elections won't slow down the ultra-right when it comes to political and educational policies for youth and students. The White House's 2005 budget proposals cut funding for mentoring and tutoring programs, pit Pell grants against Perkins loans, and leave fire departments fighting school boards for resources. The Bush administration continues to push...

May 07, 2005
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On Religion

This article deals primarily with the phenomenon of the so-called “Christian Right”, its exploitation by the Bush Administration in furtherance of its imperialist objectives, and the struggle being undertaken by centrists and progressives in the Christian religious community against it and in favor of a more progressive social agenda. It would be useful as well to analyze recent developments in other religious traditions, especially in the Jewish and Muslim...

May 07, 2005
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When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, many feared for revolutionary Cuba. Overnight, Cuba lost 75% of its international trade. By 1994, the Cuban economy had shrunk by at least one third, and the Cuban people as a whole saw a significant decline in their standard of living. Although this led to another rafter crisis in 1994, the revolutionary, democratic and socialist government headed by comandante Fidel Castro assured...

May 07, 2005
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People & Nature Before Profits

This second edition of the landmark analysis of capitalism and the environment includes the Communist Party's environmental program. People and Nature Before Profits emphasizes the conection between the profit drive under capitalism and the increasingly emperiled global ecology. The documents argues that while important reforms can and should be won today, the struggle for the environment must eventually take on capitalism itself.

BY:Marc Brodine and Dave Zink|May 07, 2005
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A United States Socialist Vision of Health

The Current State Of the Struggle for Healthy Families in the USA; And What to do About It. 'The outright greed of the health care industry in the United States generates huge corporate profits on the one hand, and at the same time increasingly excludes access to quality health care for millions of working families across the nation. Untold misery and uncounted premature deaths are left in its wake. ......

Are We Overlooking Anything in the Fight to Build the Party?

Can our Party be built faster than its present very slow pace? How? Growth of the Party is a problem we have been grappling with ever since our height in 1946-48 of 80-100,000 members. If there were simple answers, easy to fix, we would have done so long ago.

BY:Danny Rubin|April 05, 2005
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Ownership society a challenge to debate who really owns our society and what to do about it

The New Deal of the 1930s can be seen as a response to the reality of socialism born in 1917, when the Russian Revolution thrust on the world's action agenda the vision of a society based on collective ownership and working class empowerment to meet human needs. Seventy years later, the Bush/Republican far-right advocacy of an 'ownership society' can be seen as an effort to turn the clock back to...

April 02, 2005
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At War: Women in the United States in 2005

Women and men in the United States have lived through another year of a 'jobless recovery.' ... Women, particularly poor women, working class women and women of color, face the direct blows of an administration that wants to further privatize survival.

Post Election, Now What?

I am going to respond to the following questions: How does the Partys strategic line stand up to the outcome of the elections? Does the Party need to change its strategic line? If not, what do we need to do to move forward?

April 02, 2005
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