Most Americans remember where they were when airplanes slammed into New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Most remember the alarm, anger and sadness they felt when they realized that this was a massive terrorist attack that would change the course of human events. ... But what did the Bush-Cheney administration do?
As I write, Israeli troops are invading Lebanon on its southern border. No doubt this escalation will heighten the danger of a wider war, one that could involve other state and non-state actors in that region and draw millions of people into the fighting.
Report to the National Committee of the Communist Party June 24, 2006 A change in the composition of the congress will make it more possible to end the occupation in Iraq. Thats the political reality. Today I will not discuss the next national initiatives of the peace movement, nor assess the tremendous 350,000-person national demonstration on April 29, 2006 organized to mobilize the majority peace sentiments toward the 2006 midterm...
Report to the National Committee of the Communist Party June 24, 2006 There are 19 weeks until Election Day, Tuesday November 7. Perhaps nothing underscores the significance of these mid-term elections more than the reality of 2500 killed and 18,000 maimed needlessly in Iraq, 100,000 Iraqi civilians lives lost. And then on Thursday, the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives used the opposition of a small Klan-type group of...
The Peoples Weekly World is the weekly voice to reach out and influence thousands who are angry, who are questioning, and who want to change things. People are openin times like theseto alternative ideas. The newspaper can go beyond the one-on-one conversations and reach out with Marxist ideasideas of unity in every waymulti-racial, men and women, immigrant/U.S.-born, gay/straight, internationalism, pro-union, ideas that another world is possible with scientific socialism and...
From the schoolhouse to the streets youth are under attack! Despite the best efforts of Bush and his extreme right wing gang, youth are fighting back. We can't defeat the ultra-right without a strong and vibrant youth movement. To do that we need a strong and vibrant Young Communist League. The YCL is the only organization out there that combines a strategy to fight back today and win for the...
George W. Bushs speech to the nation on May 15, 2006 highlighting deployment of the National Guard to the Mexican border represents an aggressive policy of racist, anti-immigrant demonization and hysteria. It was a demagogic attempt to mobilize the conservative base and appeal to fear in the lead-up to the November Election, and impact the current Senate debate...
This educational has the goal of upgrading our understanding of the struggle for immigrant rights and against repressive immigration legislation which is taking place right now throughout the country. The goal is to place in bold relief the central problems of inequality, criminalization, and the greed of US corporations. The suggested readings which are attached include the 2006 report to the National Board on immigration, the resolution on immigration passed...
Main Report to National Committee, March 4, 2006 In my report to the National Committee last fall, I noted that the cumulative weight of an increasingly unpopular war, Katrina, indictments, incompetence, corruption, scandals, cronyism, and deeply felt anxiety with energy costs and the economy had taken its toll on the standing of the Bush administration...
Karl Rove, top Bush advisor now facing possible indictment, arrogantly declared the Republicans will use fear of terrorism once again to win the elections in 2006. It will be about the Republicans post-9/11 worldview versus the Democrats pre-9/11 worldview he said at the Republican National Committee. The question is, can the fear factor smokescreen associated with the war on terrorism create a thick enough cover to maintain the corrupt Republican...