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1011-1020 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

NYTimes' McCarthyite "exposé" carries water for the MAGA right

Pushing Cold War 2.0 politics to its McCarthyite conclusion, a recent article from the NYTimes aides the MAGA right's assault on democracy.

BY:Communist Party USA|August 11, 2023
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Paul Robeson: a praise song for the unsung

Paul Robeson was one of the most famous Black Americans of the early 20th century, but McCarthyism ended his career and attempted to purge him from history altogether.

BY:Taylor Dorrell|August 30, 2023
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International Notes: Iraq CP and others stage election upset

Communists and allies advance in Iraq Parliamentary elections An alliance in which the Communist Party of Iraq plays a major role got the largest number of seats in parliamentary elections held in that country on Saturday, May 12. The “Alliance of Revolutionaries for Reform”, or Sairoun, which is headed by Shite cleric Muqtada al Sadr and includes the Communists and other reform groups, surprised many observers by picking up at...

May 16, 2018
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International Notes: September 4, 2016

India: political general strike shuts the country down A general strike called by India’s major labor unions and federations shut much of the country down on Thursday September 2.  The strike was directed at anti-labor, anti-worker policies of the right wing government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.   Unions put forth a list of twelve demands which amount to a total repudiation of much of Modi’s  ruling National Democratic  Alliance (NDA)....

September 04, 2016
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International Notes: July 14, 2016

Communist Party of Bangladesh denounces government and opposition in response to July 1 terrorist attack   The Communist Party of Bangladesh has denounced the terrorist attack on a restaurant in the capital, Dacca, on July 1, which killed 21 men and women, both Bangladeshis and foreigners.  But the Communist Party also criticizes the country’s government and electoral opposition for their failure to prevent such attacks.  In a statement, the Communist...

July 14, 2016
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International Notes: May 18, 2016

South African Communists Hail Court Decision on Nkandla, Warn of “Corporate Capture” The South African Communist Party (SACP) expressed its agreement with a judicial decision by the nation’s Constitutional Court that obliges president Jacob Zuma to reimburse the state for government money that was used for an expensive remodeling job on his rural residence at Nkandla in Kwazulu-Natal province.   The judgement, given on April 1, is seen by the SACP...

May 18, 2016
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Communities of color demand an immediate ceasefire

There is a lot of movement in protest of the genocide against Palestinians, including over 2,000 Palestine solidarity and peace demonstrations in the U.S. over the past three months. The struggle for peace in Palestine intersects with the 2024 national elections. The Biden administration’s continuation of U.S. foreign policy on Israel is fracturing its support among youth and people of color, which are key constituencies needed for victory over...

January 16, 2024
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Changing U.S. foreign policy is central to immigration justice

The following presentation was given by Debra Wilmer on behalf of the Immigration Subcommittee of the CPUSA Politcal Action Commission at the party's 2023 peace conference in New York City. Immigration to the U.S. and globally today is fueled by the policies of imperialism, global climate change (itself a product of imperialist policy), extreme poverty, and political violence and corruption. The latter are also often caused by the politics...

December 06, 2023
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Nature of the YCL

A hundred years since its conception, we must once again assess the role of the Young Communist League in the fight for the working class.

Anti-racist struggle is required to build unity and defeat fascism

Their biggest fear is a united working class able to challenge the reign of capital. No worker, including white workers, has a material interest in maintaining such a system.