The environmental crises the world faces are getting worse, fast, and are part of the general crisis of capitalism. We can build people's movements to end this crisis now.
Prioritize workplace clubs, focus on the national question, revitalize theoretical publications, build international solidarity, build a working class electoral movement.
PPP leader Aqel Taqaz said, “All Palestinian organizations … fighting for a Palestinian independent state on the basis of the UN resolutions … within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of refugees to go back home.” It is our responsibility to help achieve this result. The first step is forcing our own government to accept and support an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
The New Urbanism Movement helps address concerns raised in convention discussion, particularly climate change.It needs more working class and left influences.
As the contradictions of settler colonialism approach the emergence of a revolutionary moment, we must prepare ourselves for further class collaborationist threats against Party unity.
If the CPUSA can help popularize working-class ideas and approaches to struggle, we will help the working-class and all people make great strides forward in the battles ahead.
Marxist classes of Hegelian dialectics would help inspire interest in Marx’s works, and convince our newest comrades of our kind of practice within mass movement organizations.
Becoming good at organizing takes training, practice, and ongoing assessment and refining. As skilled organizers, we needed training and still need regular re-training and practice.
We must unite all oppressed to defeat today's MAGA neo confederates. The stakes are no less high during the U.S. civil war.
How a spotted turtle population was saved through community action in Naugatuck, Connecticut.