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1001-1010 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

What's at stake in the settler colonial debate

Settler colonialism under the umbrella of imperialism.

BY:Albert Bender|May 12, 2022
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On the Buffalo massacre: End lynching of Black people now!

We're striving to help build an anti-racist pro working-class movement to force an end to the legal and extra legal lynching of Black people, and to end the capitalist system that systemically requires racism and an attack on the truth for its continuation.

Fight for community control of police!

Community control can tilt the balance of forces toward democratic movements.

The fight against male supremacy and the working class struggle for socialism

Today an understanding the unity of the working class pivots around women along with the racially and nationally oppressed.

BY:Dee Miles|April 06, 2018
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All out to build the movement for democracy!

Call-to-action proposals to defend and expand democracy.

Together, we can make the "impossible" possible

Remarks at the 22nd International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties in Cuba.

NY activists gather in defense of Cuban sovereignty

A film screening on Cuba's role in the struggle for African self-determination brought NYC solidarity activists together with the Cuban ambassador.

BY:Jacob Buckner|November 11, 2022
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From county farm to statewide fame, Nellie Stone Johnson's journey

Nellie Stone Johnson — radical farmer, African American union leader, civil rights activist, and YCL member — left an impressive legacy of struggle.

BY:Rebecca Pera|March 31, 2023
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Understanding issues on the border: a working-class perspective

There is no militarized solution to the border issue. Working people need immigration reform that prioritizes the well-being of all human beings.

CP clubs join May Day actions nationwide

Take a peek into CPUSA May Day activities all across the country.