Search Results

1021-1030 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

The changing character of the extreme right

As communists, we should think of voting as a strategic act, and vote in a way that affords us the space to rally the working class on the political terrain of our choosing.

Class structure in the U.S.A.

An all-people's united struggle is required to defeat imperialism and fascism.

BY:Alvaro Rodriguez|April 17, 2024
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Communist media: the terrain is challenging, but we must build there anyway

A focused, tight, and centralized media strategy with a Marxist orientation is necessary to build on the increasingly hostile terrain of US media, both digital and otherwise. We are obligated to use all methods necessary to organize our class.

BY:Taryn Fivek|April 02, 2024
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For a one-state solution in Palestine, and other suggestions

Palestine is the site of the most important anti-imperialist struggle of today; Palestine is the Vietnam of the 1960s. Every single communist in the United States must — and with the most unapologetic, most comprehensive, and most unrestrained attitude — support Palestine. Palestine must get its liberation.

BY:Avril Marx|March 25, 2024
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Environmental Crises and Class Struggle

The environmental crises the world faces are getting worse, fast, and are part of the general crisis of capitalism. We can build people's movements to end this crisis now.

BY:Marc Brodine|March 18, 2024
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On building the party and other suggestions 

Prioritize workplace clubs, focus on the national question, revitalize theoretical publications,  build international solidarity, build a working class electoral movement.

BY:Derek Dougherty|April 20, 2024
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Our position on Palestine cannot be formed unilaterally

PPP leader Aqel Taqaz said, “All Palestinian organizations … fighting for a Palestinian independent state on the basis of the UN resolutions … within the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of refugees to go back home.”  It is our responsibility to help achieve this result. The first step is forcing our own government to accept and support an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

BY:Cameron Orr|April 02, 2024
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Fighting alienation, new urbanism, and working class neighborhoods

The New Urbanism Movement helps address concerns raised in convention discussion, particularly climate change.It needs more working class and left influences.

BY:Zach Carlson|May 19, 2024
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American chauvinism vs Party unity

As the contradictions of settler colonialism approach the emergence of a revolutionary moment, we must prepare ourselves for further class collaborationist threats against Party unity.

Petty-bourgeois radicalism vs. working-class politics

If the CPUSA can help popularize working-class ideas and approaches to struggle, we will help the working-class and all people make great strides forward in the battles ahead.

BY:Cameron Orr|May 21, 2024
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