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91-100 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

How does the Communist Party elect its leadership?

Our process is about making sure party leadership is representative of its membership and our working class as a whole, and doing so in a way that is collective and safeguards our unity.

BY:C.J. Atkins|January 24, 2024
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The Detroit CP in 2023: Putting its mark on “Strike City” struggles

The Detroit club was in the thick of it in 2023, making valuable contributions to local campaigns for housing justice, labor rights, tax justice, and peace.

BY:Detroit Club, CPUSA|January 22, 2024
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Communities of color demand an immediate ceasefire

There is a lot of movement in protest of the genocide against Palestinians, including over 2,000 Palestine solidarity and peace demonstrations in the U.S. over the past three months. The struggle for peace in Palestine intersects with the 2024 national elections. The Biden administration’s continuation of U.S. foreign policy on Israel is fracturing its support among youth and people of color, which are key constituencies needed for victory over...

January 16, 2024
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Columbus CP: 2023 wrapped

The CPUSA club and YCL in Columbus has been working in coalition and taking initiative to build the fight for labor rights, community control, abortion rights, peace, and environment.

YCL electoral work: a boost for Philly's working class

Taking advantage of Philly's unique situation, the YCL was able to beat back the right while advancing working-class political forces, and build their own experience and influence.

Dashiell Hammett: from Pinkerton spy to proletarian writer

From Pinkerton detective to anti-fascist writer and CPUSA activist hounded by HUAC and the FBI, Hammett's experiences and politics led to major developments of the private detective genre.

BY:Norman Markowitz|January 05, 2024
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CPUSA co-chair: build movements, win the battle of ideas

As capitalism decays and millions are calling for change, Marxism's relevance continues. We must engage in the battle of ideas and build strong movements for peace, justice, and equality.

BY:Rossana Cambron|December 22, 2023
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Peace activists slapped with the foreign agent charge, again

Tom Fitzgerald of Fox 5 News and Jeffrey James, a retired secret service agent, recently mischaracterized a peaceful protest in D.C. at the DNC headquarters as being potentially funded or infiltrated by “transnational terrorist groups,” who may have snuck “sleeper cells across the border.” The reality, of course, is that it was police who escalated the situation and violently attacked peaceful protestors. Accusations of foreign infiltration, while outlandish, are...

December 14, 2023
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Our 32nd Convention and the struggle ahead

With the party's convention and the 2024 elections in view, the party must strengthen its roots and fighting capacity in the struggle for peace and democracy.

BY:Joe Sims|December 12, 2023
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Changing U.S. foreign policy is central to immigration justice

The following presentation was given by Debra Wilmer on behalf of the Immigration Subcommittee of the CPUSA Politcal Action Commission at the party's 2023 peace conference in New York City. Immigration to the U.S. and globally today is fueled by the policies of imperialism, global climate change (itself a product of imperialist policy), extreme poverty, and political violence and corruption. The latter are also often caused by the politics...

December 06, 2023
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