As the Jewish Collective, we proclaim our deep opposition to laws which equate opposing the state or the policies of the state of Israel with anti-semitism.
The term “Bill of Rights Socialism” has been with the CPUSA for approximately three decades now. I argue that it is time to strike “Bill of Rights” from the phrase.
Our party should dive into what distinctly separates fascism from neoliberal imperialism and better grasp the concepts of the United Front and People's Front.
Marxist classes of Hegelian dialectics would help inspire interest in Marx’s works, and convince our newest comrades of our kind of practice within mass movement organizations.
If the CPUSA can help popularize working-class ideas and approaches to struggle, we will help the working-class and all people make great strides forward in the battles ahead.
As the contradictions of settler colonialism approach the emergence of a revolutionary moment, we must prepare ourselves for further class collaborationist threats against Party unity.
The survival of democracy and humanity will be on the ballot in November!
People's World is our newspaper, and it needs the unified support of the membership if it is to survive and thrive.
By grounding our strategies in the historical lessons of our militant ancestors we can stay true to the revolutionary spirit of the left.
We must not be just a party of protest but a party of progress, a party preparing to govern.