Search Results

101-110 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Free speech is a prime casualty of war

The Communist Party USA unequivocally condemns the Israeli and U.S. governments’ continual efforts to silence critics of the U.S.-funded Israeli genocidal war in Gaza. We stand in solidarity with all those who raise their voice to bring an end to the horrific and ongoing crimes being committed against the Palestinian people. Earlier this month, the Israeli government arrested Muhammad Barakeh, Haneen Zoabi, Yossef Tatour, and Mahmoud Mawasi, all important...

December 05, 2023
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The peace movement is alive and ready to fight for political change

The following presentation was given at the CPUSA Peace Conference 2023, November 11-12, in New York City. Buenas Tardes Compas (Good Afternoon comrades and friends), I am Rosalio Munoz of the Southern California District, and a member of our National Political Action Commission. I am here to present the commission’s Toolkit of Resources For a Mass Campaign For Peace Legislation. All of you here should have in hand the...

December 05, 2023
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Peace is possible: Feed the people, not the Pentagon!

The following presentation was given by CPUSA co-chair Rossana Cambron to the People's World "People's Needs, Not Pentagon Greed" Town Hall on November 10, 2023. “Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts, whether our baptism be that of water or of tears! … We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained...

November 29, 2023
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Women’s equality: the economics of war and peace

The following presentation was given at the CPUSA Peace Conference 2023, November 11-12, in New York City. Women’s equality and working-class unity In the Communist Party (USA) we fight for equality extended to all historically disenfranchised people, including working-class women. As we know, working-class women may hold full-time paid work, they may hold part-time work, and (fewer and fewer) some working-class women may not hold paid jobs, but work...

November 22, 2023
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Good morning, revolution!

The ceasefire movement continues to grow, the disability rights movement takes a step forward, Xi–Biden meet, and mailbag.

BY:Communist Party USA|November 17, 2023
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The cost of silencing voices for peace

The repression of the peace movement at home, and U.S. support for Israel's bombing of Gaza, threatens to hand the 2024 elections to the MAGA right.

BY:Taryn Fivek|November 07, 2023
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Ohio CP to state treasurer: disinvest in Israel Bonds

The Ohio CP is demanding the state of Ohio disinvest from the government of Israel.

BY:Ohio District|November 03, 2023
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Marxist IQ: Marxism's continued relevance

What is the relationship between Marxism and the development of U.S. capitalism?

BY:Communist Party USA|October 25, 2023
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Stop the war! End the occupation! Free Palestine!

The CPUSA expresses its growing alarm and concern at the horrific violence in Palestine and Israel over the weekend. We join with the Communist Party of Israel, the Democratic Front for Equality and Peace (Hadash), our fraternal parties in Palestine and other democratic and progressive forces around the world in placing full responsibility on Israel’s government for this weekend’s rapid escalation of military confrontation between Hamas and Israeli forces....

October 08, 2023
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Elon Musk and the fight to X out hate speech

As struggles for equality intensify, fascist rhetoric and violence is also on the rise — aided by social media moguls and GOP contenders alike. How can we best respond?

BY:Taryn Fivek|October 02, 2023
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