Search Results

1131-1140 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

National Conference to Defeat Bush & Ultra Right! New York City, January 31.

Conference features: Keynote: 'Building Unity to Take Back Our Country in 2004' Panels: I: 'Unity of Labor and Allies v. Ultra-right tactics.' II: 'What it Takes to Win.' III: 'The Communist Party at the Grass Roots.'

January 07, 2004
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2004 Elections Update -- 10/03 National Board Meeting

'All Out to Defeat Bush' must become a living-fighting slogan for us. What we need is a class struggle approach to the '04 elections to help guarantee that the enormous power of the multiracial US working class, especially its organized sector, the racially oppressed along with other allies is felt in the street and at the ballot box next November 2nd.|December 17, 2003
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Labor Today: New Challenges, New Possibilities

'By many yardsticks labor continues to move in a progressive even radical direction...This discussion must also take place with the full realization that labor is under...sustained and intensive attack.' In this labor report to the CPUSA National Board, a discussion is started on today's challenges and possibilities facing the labor movement.

October 31, 2003
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Push Bush Out the Door in 2004

As the seemingly endless lies and betrayals of the Bush administration come into the light of day, the insidious nature of the right-wing agenda is becoming more widely understood. Many national leaders now speak of the intent of the Bushites to bankrupt government; dismantle every public entity from education to Medicare; destroy union representation, civil rights and civil liberties; appropriate the spoils of the earth and dominate the entire world.

July 10, 2003
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We are living in dangerous times

Our country and the world are going through an exceedingly dangerous period. I suppose one could imagine a more ominous time, but I cant think of one. We have fought two wars in the space of six months and two bloody, costly, and coercive occupations have followed. No exit strategy is under consideration in either Afghanistan or Iraq.

July 10, 2003
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The future of humanity is at stake

The impact of a larger Communist Party on the struggles for peace and justice would be critical and significant. Our Party has to give constant attention to building itself, its relationships and influence, its initiative.

The Meaning of May Day

May Day, much like other holidays, is an occasion to break bread with family and friends in a festive atmosphere. Who in their right mind could be against that? What makes May Day different from other holidays is that it hasnt been drained of its meaning and commercialized by corporate interests.

May 08, 2003
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The 2004 Elections are Pivotal to Save Our Country and the World

Some are saying that the never-ending war policy may render Bush unbeatable in 2004. In reality, the Bush administration and the Congressional Republicans are very vulnerable. Their defeat is of the greatest importance for the future of our country and the world.

May 08, 2003
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Speech given in Vancouver, BC, by Marc Brodine, March 2003

Peace in the World, or the World in Pieces By Marc Brodine We live in times of great danger and great opportunity. Two events from the last few months symbolize these two opposites. On February 15th and 16th, over 11 million people around the world demonstrated against the possibility of war against Iraq. These were the largest coordinated demonstrations ever, including several demonstrations with well over one million participants. These...

Americans say NO to preemptive war

WASHINGTON Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) told a protest rally in San Francisco a few weeks ago that George W. Bush has awakened a sleeping giant, the worldwide movement to stop his doctrine of unilateral, preemptive war on Iraq.

April 01, 2003
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