The Program Committee sees its work as a major contribution toward building political and ideological unity and mass fightback against the all-out assault of the extreme right wing. We project developing a Program for our times, which builds on our Programs of past periods, and projects into future periods including socialism.
Our Party is committed to and actively working for greater political independence of the working class and all the progressive forces. We are working for the establishment of a united multiracial labor-based independent people's electoral party that could ultimately challenge and win against the dominant capitalist parties, in every state in the union. We consider it a necessary goal, on the road to Socialism.
The struggle against the corporate domination of the media is a cornerstone of the fight to defend democracy.
Speech given at the 27th National Convention of the CPUSA.Facing the escalating onslaught of global monopoly capitalism, one of our most urgent tasks as communists is to continue building the unity of the world communist movement. We communists in the United States feel this responsibility especially, because the U.S.-based giant transnational corporations lead the process of imperialist globalization. Many difficulties experienced earlier in relations among parties have been or are...
The Internet is just a tool among many we have, like the printing press, the telephone, or the television. But because the Internet is new, it is transforming the way we work internally and with our allies and the general public. We all need to quicken the pace and make using the Internet a completely everyday experience in the Party's political life.
After a year of price gouging and record profits by the energy monopolies, for the first time a few weeks back the wholesale rates of natural gas and electricity magically went down sharply in California. They attribute this to everything under the sun, including milder weather. But, this sudden change was brought about by a powerful broad people's movement, with street heat at its core, and the shift in the...
Coalitions burst forth in a new way at the end of the century, and in many ways coalition building is defining the strides of progress in the 21st century. In Seattle, when Teamsters walked with turtles against the WTO, a whole new level of coalition appeared with global potential.
The bond between the Communist Party USA and the Communist Party of Vietnam is enduring, especially as a result of the movement against the U.S. imperialist war. Yet, that bond continues to grow and flourish with time. The comradeship for our Party at the Congress was overwhelming.
Across the state, labor unions and people's organizations are marching, demanding, 'Seize the Power - Stop the rolling blackmail,' and invoking the right of eminent domain to reign in out of control profit gouging.
The Party Program is not a legislative program or an immediate projection for what we're doing this year. It is a longer range document, and should be more of an overview - addressing the stage of struggle at present, yet linked to more advanced stages including Bill of Rights socialism.