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1701-1710 OF 1,750 RESULTS FOR "political parties"


Needless to say, the shock of Tuesday's terrible events hasn't worn off. Everyone is struggling with how to take it in personally, as well as respond politically.

October 06, 2001
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The Looming War Danger

In that horrific instant on September 11th, the potential of a wider war spread over our country and the world's horizon. Indeed, in the wake of the terrorist attack, the struggle for peace and against the danger of war has become the overarching issue of our time and a precondition to eliminating terrorism in all of its forms. No issue at this moment and for the foreseeable future looms larger.

October 06, 2001
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Action Alert for Peace and Economic Justice #1

ACTION ALERT for Peace and Economic Justice #1 September 30, 2001

Discussion on Strategy and Tactics

For now all of us should bear in mind the following: our party has always adjusted its concepts of struggle - strategic and tactical - to the shifting contours of political and economic developments. We in this room are not pioneers in this sense.

September 26, 2001
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Election Crisis in Florida

What's developing is tremendous. Palm Beach will never be the same again, and neither will the people's movements or the Communist Party. I want to appreciate the work of the comrades in Florida and in Palm Beach where I was earlier this week. Their small, rather quiet town filled with senior citizens was suddenly catapulted into the center of the struggle against the ultra-right, with the whole world watching. They...

September 26, 2001
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Labor 2000

U.S. corporations invested one million to buy the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. The Labor 2000 campaign, although outspent 15 to1, mounted a national campaign that fought the corporations to a stand-off, a draw.

BY:Wally Kaufman|September 26, 2001
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Northern California Elections Report

Joining with Los Angeles and other Southern California areas, the greater Bay Area counties, where the population is concentrated in Northern California and the labor movement is strongest, helped give Gore a big win in the state. With the exception of one county with 50 percent, Gore took the greater Bay Area by margins of 60 to 76 percent depending on the county, helping offset more conservative areas of the...

BY:Juan Lopez|September 26, 2001
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Building Renovation Project

If you have been to 235 W. 23rd Street on any given day, you may have noticed old desks and file cabinets being hauled out, or teams of architects, engineers and real estate agents pouring over the property. What's going on?

September 26, 2001
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Reproductive Rights

To bear or not bear children - to control one's own fertility, one's physical self - is a basic and profoundly important human right. 40 percent of the world's three billion or so women live in countries that to one degree or another usurp that control or deny that right. And of course in our own country, a sharp struggle is raging over that right.

September 26, 2001
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Remarks on Women's Equality

Genesis is explained by the indisputable fact that tens of millions of women are found in every - or nearly every - arena of political, economic, and social life. Its genesis is explained by the indisputable fact that the role of women in social movements has grown enormously compared with only a few decades ago. Women are agents of progressive change.

September 26, 2001
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