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1691-1700 OF 1,750 RESULTS FOR "political parties"

Women's Equality Conference March 24, 2001 Opening Report

We want to very briefly review the foundation from which we start by considering the ideas of Marx, Engels, and Lenin on the question of women’s equality. We want to take a look at the most current statistical data available on working class and poor women in the United States today. We want to take a brief look at the work of the party the in the area of women....

BY:Dee Miles|October 09, 2001
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Report from the Structure and Organization Committee

Most comrades have responded really well to changes and have been responsive to the idea that we need to take a fresh look at how we do things. So our committee was not starting from scratch. Our work is part of an ongoing discussion that has been in motion with the transition for over a year now. The process should and will continue even after the National Convention.

BY:Evelina Alarcon|October 09, 2001
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New Setting of the Class Struggle and Industrial Concentration

We are dealing with the largest working class in our history. Not counting farm labor, figures that I was not able to come up with, there are roughly 130 million workers in the U.S. economy today. If you add in the unemployed, who are very much part of the working class, then the figure is probably closer to 135 million. For comparison, in 1948 there were a little more than...

October 09, 2001
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We will fight for jobs, equality & peace

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. - Delegates to the Communist Party USA's 27th Convention here July 6-8 called for a stepped-up campaign for jobs, equality and peace and a fightback against the ultra-right agenda. The crowd, packed into a ballroom at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, greeted the speakers with standing ovations, cheers and applause. The mood among the 520 delegates and guests seemed as fresh as the breeze that blew in from sparkling...

BY:People’s World|October 09, 2001
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Keynote Address, 27th CPUSA National Convention

A Convention is a crowning moment in the life of a Communist Party. It is the highest deliberative and decision-making body in our Party's structure. Unlike the conventions of the Democratic and Republican parties, our Convention doesn't aim to showcase a few leaders, but rather to be a model of working-class democracy, of thoughtful and comradely discussion, and of democratic decision-making.

BY:Sam Webb|October 08, 2001
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The Workers' Party of Ireland

We are writing to express our deep sorrow at the recent terrorist acts perpetrated against US workers and their families. The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Ireland, on behalf of the entire membership of the party, expresses condolences to the families of the deceased and offers sympathy to the injured and their families.

German Communist Party (DKP)

We condemn these attacks as they are counterproductive in the development of the needed solutions for those political and social problems facing us all. At the same time such attacks are a result of the politics of the United States Government which has in the past supported terrorist activity in many parts of the world, such as in the Near East or in the Balkan region.

Communist Party of India

The Communist Party of India expresses its shock and horror at the coordinated and massive terrorist attack on sensitive civilian and official sites in the U.S., which has led to the death of several thousand lives, caused vast destruction, and spread panic and fear among people, not only in the U.S.A., but elsewhere in the world. We express our heartfelt condolence to the people of the United States in this...


Some issues are clear: this must not be allowed to become the basis for anti-Arab and anti-immigrant attacks, nor for a call to retreat or give up on the many vital ongoing struggles for peace and justice. That these terrible acts may lead to escalating violence and war is a real danger that concerns many people. And, of course, for everyone, in addition to shock and horror there is the...

A Tragedy for All Humanity: A Statement by the CPUSA

The terrorist attacks that killed and wounded thousands of innocent people Sept. 11 are crimes that call for universal, worldwide condemnation. At this writing the toll of dead and wounded is not known but it is certain to number in the thousands, the deadliest terrorist attack ever.The Communist Party USA expresses outrage and profound sorrow at this horrendous assault. We unequivocally condemn terrorism in all its forms.We extend heartfelt sympathy...

October 06, 2001
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