
Election 2016 Materials Available in Print

Election 2016 Materials Available in Print

CPUSA has additional Election 2016 Materials available in print upon request.

BY: Joe Sims| October 25, 2016
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A 10 Point Strategy to win a landslide unity vote November 8 and build on-going grass roots power

A 10 Point Strategy to win a landslide unity vote November 8 and build on-going grass roots power

The quality of life and democratic rights of ordinary working people and young people, and the future of the planet are all on the line in the 2016 elections.

BY: Joelle Fishman| October 25, 2016
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Beware The Trump!

Beware The Trump!

Listen to Donald Trump and we can see that in this election democracy is at stake. The election is close. It will take a united landslide voter turnout to win....

Defeat Trump, Defeat Racism

Defeat Trump, Defeat Racism

A defeat of Trump's GOP will open new doors of struggle. What do we have to lose with Trump? Everything.

BY: Jarvis Tyner| October 25, 2016
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Feeling locked out of the American Dream?

Feeling locked out of the American Dream?

Twenty-first century science and technology make it possible for all the world's people to have good food, good health, good education, a good job and a fulfilling life. What stands...

BY: Roberta Wood| November 22, 2010
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