Reprinted form the People's World. On the year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, filmmaker and slacker hero Michael Moore gave a gift to working America: an explanation of what happened. In short, capitalism happened. Moore was invited by the California Nurses Association and AFL-CIO to show his newest movie, 'Capitalism: A Love Story,' and lead a march for single-payer health care at the convention here. He accepted and...
Last week the mayor of Hiroshima, Japan chose to commemorate the 64th year since the atom bomb destroyed his city by praising President Obama's call for abolition of nuclear weapons. He referred to the 'Obamajority' in the world which supports this cause.
Manuel Zelaya, el presidente legtimo de Honduras, envi una solicitud a la administracin de Obama a que aumente la presin contra el rgimen ilegal de Roberto Micheletti, que se instal en la maana del 28 de junio de 2009 tras un golpe de estado. Zelaya exigi que la administracin de Obama aumente las presiones diplomticas y econmicas sobre el gobierno ilegitimo con acciones contra algunos de los individuos responsables por...
Manuel Zelaya, the legitimate president of Honduras, has made a specific request to the Obama administration to increase pressure on the illegal regime of Roberto Micheletti, which was installed after a coup detat on the morning of June 28 of this year. Zelaya has asked the Obama administration to increase diplomatic and economic pressure on the illegitimate regime by taking actions targeting the main culprits. This happens at a critical...
Dear Friends, The ultra-right on Capitol Hill, hand-in-hand with members of the Honduran oligarchy and military, have been besieging Congress with demands that the U.S. back off its stated support for the restoration of Manuel Zelaya to the presidency of Honduras. This needs to be aggressively countered. Congressmen Bill DeLaHunt (D-MA) and James McGovern (D-MA) have taken the initiative with a resolution described below in a message from the...
(Remarks to National Committee Meeting June 20, 2009) I make no attempt to be comprehensive in these remarks. My aim is much more modest, as you will see. Let me begin with a simple observation: If the last 30 years were an era of reaction, then the coming decade could turn into an era of reform, even radical reform. Six months into the Obama presidency, I would say without hesitation...
Reprinted from the People's Weekly World CHICAGO The Communist Party USA has established a new Religion Commission to strengthen its work among religious people and organizations. In its leadership are activists representing various religious traditions from around the country. Tim Yeager, a Chicago trade unionist and a member of the Episcopal Church, serves as its chair. We want to reach out to religious people and communities, to find ways of...
Reprinted form the People's Weekly World LANSING, Mich. The General Motors bankruptcy, announced Monday, was expected, having been predicted for weeks if not months. But the enormity of how far this once mighty giant of U.S. monopoly capitalism has fallen is shocking nevertheless. For many it seems like not so long ago when GM was not only the leader of all auto producers with a commanding 54 percent of the...
The Communist Party USA is shocked and appalled at North Korea's recent nuclear test, as well as its subsequent test firing of at least two missiles. We see these acts as incredibly provocative. Even North Korea's most important ally, China, was horrified by, and condemned, the tests. Of course, North Korea is right to say that it has been, and still is, the victim of imperialist aggression, specifically from the...
Reprinted form the People's Weekly World BOULDER, Colorado - Some may call it Conference-a-palooza. Film critic Roger Ebert calls it The Conference on Everything Conceivable. But its more conventional name is 'The Conference on World Affairs' and it's hosted by The University of Colorado. It's a cherished tradition in this Rocky Mountain town. Some 80,000 people are expected to attend 200 panels, plenary sessions, performances, a spectacular jazz concert and...