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11-20 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Social media collective guidelines

In forming these guidelines, we remind every member of the party to be mindful. Their posts reflect on the Party's public image, whether it is on a personal, club, or national account. 1. Accounts must be approved by your club and district and should be collectively run. No personal opinions or individual analysis should be posted to these accounts. Never tweet/post in first person, we function as a...

July 02, 2024
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A turtle speaks: Land, wildlife, theory and praxis

How a spotted turtle population was saved through community action in Naugatuck, Connecticut.

BY:Len Yannielli|July 02, 2024
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Marxist IQ: May 2024

Marxist IQ for the Month of May 2024 Although we are passed May Day, the most important workers holiday in the world, this Marxist IQ is dedicated to a May of May Day struggles for the working class and against racism, imperialism and war.

Marxist IQ: May 2024 Answers

Marxist IQ for the Month of May 2024 Although we are passed May Day, the most important workers holiday in the world, this Marxist IQ is dedicated to a May of May Day struggles for the working class and against racism, imperialism and war.

Fraternal parties greet the 32nd CPUSA Convention

International greetings to the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA from our fraternal parties.

Why elections? Nuts and bolts of how movements change laws

The balance of forces in government — together with the actual level of unity of the working class and oppressed people — helps set the direction & pace of change.

BY:Cameron Orr|June 25, 2024
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Juneteenth: Celebration of democratic struggle

We must unite all oppressed to defeat today's MAGA neo confederates. The stakes are no less high during the U.S. civil war.

United We Stand to Defeat the MAGA Right!

The battlelines are clear. We are fighting a fascist danger at home and genocide against Gaza abroad. To defeat the danger at home, we’ve got to defeat the war abroad.

Immigration Myths v. Facts: A look behind the anti-immigrant furor

Defeat of the Republican Party at the polls is vital. We need legislators in both houses of Congress willing to pass comprehensive immigration reform and an end to the filibuster.

Behind the ANC's election setback: Was the writing on the wall?

All eyes are on the makeup of the next South African government and what will happen next.

BY:Mark Waller|June 03, 2024
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