Search Results

41-50 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Retirees in struggle

Retirees, especially those organized by the Alliance for Retired Americans, cannot be ignored in building an effective progressive coalition.

BY:Gene Lantz|May 14, 2024
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Ranked choice voting is part of the struggle for democracy in the Popular Front

Involve our party in efforts to pass ranked choice voting on the local and state level and also campaign to remove bans on ranked choice voting where they currently exist.

Is the Democratic Party “the other” capitalist party or a progressive people’s party?

The lesser of two evils characterization of the Democratic Party holds no water.

BY:Juan Lopez|May 12, 2024
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Nature of the YCL

A hundred years since its conception, we must once again assess the role of the Young Communist League in the fight for the working class.

The communist imperative for a socialist Appalachia

Fight for a socialist Appalachia, where democracy and prosperity are shared in kind by a healthy people and a healthy environment.

BY: Ensel Thone|May 07, 2024
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CPUSA and electoralism

We work within all the avenues available to us, and that includes elections. This is not out of a desire to legitimize a system with several issues, but out of a desire to win real concessions for people, to expose the contradictions in the capitalist economic system, and importantly to prevent fascists from getting into office and enacting their agenda.

Anti-racist struggle is required to build unity and defeat fascism

Their biggest fear is a united working class able to challenge the reign of capital. No worker, including white workers, has a material interest in maintaining such a system.

Expanding on "Our electoral strategy is grounded in Marxist-Leninist theory and practice"

Continue to investigate the success of the Working Family Party in Philadelphia as a third party that achieved independence and viability in a Democratic Party stronghold.

BY:Dom Shannon|May 07, 2024
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Expanding our position on healthcare

For a truly just and equitable healthcare system.

The Party must campaign for DC statehood

Consider an addition to the party’s program to include the fight for DC Statehood as a special component struggle in the general fight for democracy in the United States.

BY:Jamal Rich|May 01, 2024
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