CPUSA Peace & Solidarity Commission

CPUSA Peace & Solidarity Commission

US is coordinating with Cuba against terrorism. So let’s get Cuba off the “State Sponsors of Terrorism” list!

US is coordinating with Cuba against terrorism. So let’s get Cuba off the “State Sponsors of Terrorism” list!

  On 15 May 2024, according to media reports, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, released the State Department’s annual list of states that allegedly are “not cooperating fully” with...

De-escalate now!

De-escalate now!

The CPUSA urges all those who love peace and justice to call their members of Congress and the White House demanding immediate de-escalation.

CPUSA Peace And Solidarity Commission 2024 convention discussion

CPUSA Peace And Solidarity Commission 2024 convention discussion

Two threats to the continued existence of the human family, and even the earth as a living planet, are nuclear war and climate scorching. These threats are linked. Addressing them...

Pressure building in unexpected quarters to end Ukraine war

Pressure building in unexpected quarters to end Ukraine war

The big business press associates struggles for peace with foreign subversion, but there are cracks in the pro–Ukraine war propaganda. Is there an opening for negotiations?

The U.S. military budget is a threat to democracy

The U.S. military budget is a threat to democracy

U.S. war profits are swallowing the country's major resources while spreading destruction at home and abroad. What can be done to end it?