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1671-1680 OF 1,753 RESULTS FOR "political parties"

Abortion under socialism

Under threat in the U.S., abortion rights are safeguarded in socialist countries.

BY:Sebastiano Porcu|August 12, 2022
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Langston Hughes: Progressive poet and wanderer

Wandering in Cleveland, Haiti, the USSR, and elsewhere.

BY:Taylor Dorrell|February 28, 2022
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Visions of Tomorrow: Youth Demand a Better Future Keynote to YCLUSA Convention

From the schoolhouse to the streets youth are under attack! Despite the best efforts of Bush and his extreme right wing gang, youth are fighting back. We can't defeat the ultra-right without a strong and vibrant youth movement. To do that we need a strong and vibrant Young Communist League. The YCL is the only organization out there that combines a strategy to fight back today and win for the...

BY:YCLUSA|June 13, 2006
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The long march to socialism with Chinese characteristics

China as it becomes a 21st century giant is calling for a new kind of politics.

BY:John Bachtell|October 24, 2018
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Globalization and the Class Struggle Today

More and more, Communists and the left must make the linkage clear and fight for the global integration of struggles to match the global economic integration now dominated by monopoly capital. Some have called it globalizing peace, justice and equality.

October 10, 2001
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The long and sinister history behind the Rittenhouse acquittal

The road to the Rittenhouse verdict is littered with slave catchers, Klansmen, vigilantes, and militias.

BY:Norman Markowitz|December 10, 2021
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Marxism in the era of Amazon and Uber

Capitalists go to great lengths to call members of today’s working class anything but workers (instead they are labeled everything from “contractors” and Wal-Mart “associates” to “day laborers” and prison factory “offenders”)

BY:Roberta Wood|September 11, 2018
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Convention Discussion: The crisis in education and the fight to save it

The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Committee to the November 20 meeting of the CPUSA National Board. Updates to follow. Introduction Today is November 20, 2024. In sixty days, on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is scheduled to take the presidency. What protections, guardrails, solidarity relationships can be fought for in these sixty days that will strengthen our conditions of...

Election Crisis in Florida

What's developing is tremendous. Palm Beach will never be the same again, and neither will the people's movements or the Communist Party. I want to appreciate the work of the comrades in Florida and in Palm Beach where I was earlier this week. Their small, rather quiet town filled with senior citizens was suddenly catapulted into the center of the struggle against the ultra-right, with the whole world watching. They...

September 26, 2001
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