The struggle for Black lives, and Cuban lives, too.
Student debt forgiveness is an issue we can win.
A film screening on Cuba's role in the struggle for African self-determination brought NYC solidarity activists together with the Cuban ambassador.
Behind the extreme-right obsession with fake sexuality issues is an anti-democratic attempt to preserve doomed capitalism.
There is a lot of movement in protest of the genocide against Palestinians, including over 2,000 Palestine solidarity and peace demonstrations in the U.S. over the past three months. The struggle for peace in Palestine intersects with the 2024 national elections. The Biden administration’s continuation of U.S. foreign policy on Israel is fracturing its support among youth and people of color, which are key constituencies needed for victory over...
Tom Fitzgerald of Fox 5 News and Jeffrey James, a retired secret service agent, recently mischaracterized a peaceful protest in D.C. at the DNC headquarters as being potentially funded or infiltrated by “transnational terrorist groups,” who may have snuck “sleeper cells across the border.” The reality, of course, is that it was police who escalated the situation and violently attacked peaceful protestors. Accusations of foreign infiltration, while outlandish, are...
The Ohio AFL-CIO resolution condemning Trump's racist attacks on immigrants reflects the leading role that labor must play in the struggle for democracy and peace.
The U.S. is a major partner in the war on Palestine, Lebanon, and all of Israel's neighbors. The demand to end it could not be more urgent.
Financially, social security is sound for the indefinite future, and it would even be possible to increase benefits. The attack on social security is a ruling class attempt to realize immediate and long-term profits, and also to shift the ideological climate decisively to the right.Expanded from a report to the National Board of the Communist Party, USA, January 6, 2005
A "former child" asks, In education, is the "uncomfortable" such a bad thing?