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1-10 OF 1,726 RESULTS FOR "political parties"

Podcast: Communist Party analyzes the 2010 elections

The chair of the Communist Party's political action commission, and other communist leaders respond to the results of the 2010 midterm elections in this audio podcast.

BY:Political Affairs|November 05, 2010
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CPC and world political parties summit

Political party leaders from around the world meet.

BY:Henry Lowendorf|July 30, 2021
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Political parties issue joint statement concerning COVID-19

Political parties around the world issue a joint statement calling for international cooperation in the battle against COVID-19.

April 10, 2020
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Political Action Commission's goals for 2023

Bringing our coalition work to a higher level is high on the agenda, and special projects on specific issues are in the works.

Abbott's deadly barriers at the border

Weaponizing the border, and using immigrants as political pawns, only adds to the death, injury and hardship that U.S. imperialism is imposing on migrant families' home countries.

12 days to go: The election depends on you!

If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover and continue moving forward.

All-out in the fight for democratic rights!

Report by the Political Action Commission.

People power: At the ballot box and beyond

After the elections, will we be fighting for our lives or for the advanced demands we need? The answer depends on a massive voter turnout on November 3.