
Auto pact: the good, the bad and the ugly

Auto pact: the good, the bad and the ugly

The wages and working conditions of union autoworkers have always set standards for all manufacturing. These in turn have put upward pressure on wages and benefits for all workers. But...

October 10, 2007
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Labor, Globalization and Building the Party

Labor, Globalization and Building the Party

First I want to thank the Labor Commission members for their invaluable input in this report. Much of this report took shape at this years face-to-face Midwest regional commission meeting...

July 18, 2007
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US Auto Workers and Their Union Face Many Challenges

US Auto Workers and Their Union Face Many Challenges

The industry is increasingly non-unionthe number of foreign transplants is growing60,000 non-union workers at Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, etc. Auto companies have growing ability to quickly shift production between plants in...

BY: John Rummel| July 8, 2006
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34,000 subway and bus workers on strike in New York need your emergency help.

34,000 subway and bus workers on strike in New York need your emergency help.

At the heart of this strike are issues facing all workers and their unions. The transit authority, sitting on a $1 billion surplus, is demanding cuts in health care and...

BY: CPUSA Labor Commission| December 23, 2005
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Communist Party, USA: Resolution on the Delphi Workers Pension Crisis

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on the Delphi Workers Pension Crisis

Whereas, The bankruptcy filing of Delphi and its declared threat to terminate its retirement plans directly threatens the retirement and health care of 40,000 US workers and their families, and...

BY: CPUSA National Committee| November 16, 2005
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