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711-720 OF 1,187 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Proposed Resolution: We can win on Election Day Nov 4 2014

Resolution submitted by the Political Action Commission, CPUSA The highest priority task confronting the working class, the people's movement and the Communist Party in the next six months is defeat of the corporate, extreme right-wing Republicans on November 4. With a massive voter turnout, that victory is within reach. We cannot afford another election like 2010 when millions of voters stayed home and the Republican extreme right-wing took majority control...

Convention Discussion: After we defeat the ultra-right

Submitted by Nick Giannone, Casey Doyle, Chris Persampieri, Jeff Baker, Boston, MA In Massachusetts we have defeated the ultra-right. The Democrats have a super-majority in the state legislature. Deval Patrick is currently governor and Democrat Martha Coakley is expected to win by a landslide in November. Our federal legislators are all Democrats. Republican Scott Brown fled to New Hampshire in an attempt to revive his political career following his defeat...

BY:Nick Giannone and Casey Doyle|June 05, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Can our Party's ideas resonate?

Submitted by Juan Lopez, National Vice Chair, Okaland, CA Our Party must grow because our nation's people and, at the risk of sounding pretentious, the world's people and Mother Nature herself needs it. Needless to say our country plays a pivotal role on the planet. However, too often people on the Left including some of us tend to emphasize one side of this dynamic. The top dog imperialist dark side....

BY:Juan Lopez|June 05, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Labor - the key link in the chain

Submitted by Juan Lopez, National Vice Chair, Oakland, CA I believe today is both more necessary and possible for the party and its members to be involved in the labor movement. Necessary because the labor movement - while the country's biggest, strongest, best organized progressive force - is far too small for the challenges confronting our nation's working class and people. Possible because - unlike the dogged anti-communism of yesteryears...

BY:Juan Lopez|June 05, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Anti-communism today

Submitted by Gary Bono, New York, NY Anti-Communism, well this is a big topic and one we still must confront. This is not an academic, rigorous or even a thorough account and it includes personal anecdotes and observations that may or may not be of general interest or importance but I hope it at least serves to get people thinking about the issue and encourages responses. Surprisingly or not, anti-Communism,...

BY:Gary Bono|June 05, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Climate change is an urgent necessity

Submitted by Juan Lopez, National Vice Chair CPUSA, Oakland, CA This too is an area that requires our party and members' involvement with most urgent laser beam focus. I of course agree when comrades point out that Climate Change is the product of capitalism and the class propelling the system. The real solution lies in a sustainable socialist society. We should definitely bring this into the discourse. But, it is...

BY:Juan Lopez|June 04, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Racism is still our #1 fight

Submitted by Ben McManus, New Haven, CT Despite the election and re-election of Barack Obama as president, the United States is not yet a post-racial society. While white liberals and persons of color celebrate these victories and their literal and symbolic meanings, President Obama has been disrespected publicly, his words and actions scrutinized and critiqued down to the micro level. He had been called a liar and a coward. These...

BY:Ben McManus|June 04, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Gramsci and the mass party

Submitted by Brian, Connecticut The struggle against the extreme right is more important than ever for the United States. What was a Tea Party faction has now infiltrated the Republican Party as a whole. One look at the recent Republican Primaries which some have hailed as a defeat of the extreme right is actually quite the reverse. The "establishment Republicans" have for the most part taken extreme right positions arguing...

BY:Brian|June 04, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Elections, the state, reform & revolution

Submitted by John Bachtell, Chicago, IL Another major electoral battle is shaping up in November that will determine the political terrain of struggle for the next period. Some on the left are less than enthusiastic about throwing themselves into this battle, not seeing any difference between Democrats and Republicans and the viability of change through elections dominated by the two-party system. This approach doesn't see the need for multi-class united...

BY:John Bachtell|June 04, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Political action resolution could be improved

Submitted by John Case, West Virginia 1. There is nothing "communist" about any of the democratic demands. Or, if there is, then there is no difference between "communist" and "social-democratic" demands. Since the authors, however, are committed to calling them "communist", a label, if it were to really stick, would likely to do the demands and their prospects more harm than good in the near term, one wonders about the...

BY:John Case|June 04, 2014
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