On The Issues

Jersey City stand up! Justice for Andrew Washington

Jersey City stand up! Justice for Andrew Washington

The Hudson–Bergen club stands with the family of Andrew Washington and calls on everyone in Jersey City and the surrounding area to help win their demands for justice.

Ohio CP demands justice for Ta’Kiya Young

Ohio CP demands justice for Ta’Kiya Young

On Aug. 24th, officer Conner Grubb murdered Ta'Kiya Young, a young mother of two and pregnant with a baby daughter. The Ohio CP demands Grubb be fired and charged.

BY: Ohio District CPUSA| September 8, 2023
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D.C.’s emergency crime bill must expire

D.C.’s emergency crime bill must expire

An emergency crime bill passed by the D.C. Council targets Black youth and will only serve to exacerbate mass incarceration and racist police repression.

BY: DC Young Communist League| August 14, 2023
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Ohio CP says “Vote No!” on anti-abortion Issue 1

Ohio CP says “Vote No!” on anti-abortion Issue 1

The CP in Ohio is working to help defeat a dangerous GOP effort to undermine citizen-led constitutional amendments.

BY: Ohio District CPUSA| August 4, 2023
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#WhoKilledJordanNeely: NY YCL Statement

#WhoKilledJordanNeely: NY YCL Statement

The NY YCL demands the immediate arrest and charge of the murderer, and a full investigation into the police and applauding bystanders.