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1-10 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Resolution on the 2024 Elections

Revised resolution #5 on defeating the fascist right in the 2024 election.

SACP on the South African election

SACP Central Committee statement evaluating recent South African elections.

CP National Committee says "Keep your eyes on the prize"

Project 2025 will not by itself usher in fascism. It will be the struggle over Project 2025’s implementation that will determine the shape of things to come.

BY:Joe Sims|July 22, 2024
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Twin Cities comrades at Pride

Report on Twin Cities Club and the Minnesota-Dakotas District CPUSA participation in three pride events.

Mass protest, not individual acts of violence, builds social change

Engaging millions in mass protest, not violence, is the path to social change

South Africa moves right despite a hunger for change

If the South African Democratic Alliance was the biggest winner of the elections the biggest loser was the majority of the South African people.

BY:Mark Waller|July 12, 2024
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We owe nothing to candidates and everything to our class

Our vote is a tactical collective action taken in conjunction with millions of other working class and oppressed people, based on the immediate political reality.

BY:Taryn Fivek|July 12, 2024
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The New Popular Front: The French Left Unites

French Communists (PCF) have united with other anti-fascist forces to contest the elections.

BY:C.J. Atkins|July 10, 2024
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The Communist movement and gay rights: The long hidden history

Communist and Socialist contributions to the struggle for Gay Rights are deserving of both recognition and analysis.

BY:Norman Markowitz|July 10, 2024
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For DC home rule now!

We vehemently reject these efforts by extreme right forces to interfere in DC’s affairs and urge all democratic and progressive forces to take up the mantle and fight for DC Statehood.