Joe Sims, editor of the Communist Party's magazine 'Political Affairs' will be interviewed live on NPR on Friday, Feb. 28th at 10AM central time. You can listen to it online at
The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Committee to the November 20 meeting of the CPUSA National Board. Updates to follow. Introduction Today is November 20, 2024. In sixty days, on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is scheduled to take the presidency. What protections, guardrails, solidarity relationships can be fought for in these sixty days that will strengthen our conditions of...
Engaging with and recruiting youth should be a top priority.
The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Committee to the November 20 meeting of the CPUSA National Board. Updates to follow. Introduction Today is November 20, 2024. In sixty days, on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is scheduled to take the presidency. What protections, guardrails, solidarity relationships can be fought for in these sixty days that will strengthen our conditions of...
Most see this pre convention discussion as an honest searching for the truth and for the most effective policies and tactics as we participate in this historic struggle to defeat Bush and the right danger. The struggle against capitalism and the struggle against Bush are inseparable. ...
1. b) social classes; (correct) 2. b) Bill Clinton’s victory in 1992; (correct) 3. c) their profit comes from controlling and  reducing the cost of labor; (correct) 4. d) all of the above.(correct) 5. d) All of the above. (correct) 6. d) None of the above. (correct) Score: A) all correct:  you have mastered the basics of U.S. politics today. Form a study group! B) four correct: you’re...
B A B C Score: 0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!! 1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party. 2 to 3 wrong: Class conscious worker – study harder. 4 to 5 wrong: Danger! deviations possible. study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism! Remember to register for the online class!
The working class must see itself as the leader representing the interests of the overwhelming majority.
The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Committee to the November 20 meeting of the CPUSA National Board. Updates to follow. Introduction Today is November 20, 2024. In sixty days, on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is scheduled to take the presidency. What protections, guardrails, solidarity relationships can be fought for in these sixty days that will strengthen our conditions of...
Carol Widom addresses young Comrades at the CPUSA Marxist school