Democratic Party

Towards a Communist Party labor program

Towards a Communist Party labor program

Editor's Note: The article below is based on a presentation to a CPUSA conference on the working class and labor movement. It is one of several. This presentation is, in...

BY: Bruce Bostick| June 17, 2017
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Strengthening the working class and people’s movements (Video)

Strengthening the working class and people’s movements (Video)

There’s nothing in our discussion of strategy and tactics that you shouldn’t be able to discuss in your workplace.

BY: Roberta Wood| May 29, 2017
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Only unity can defeat Trumpism

Only unity can defeat Trumpism

If the approach is toward building the broadest unity, the democratic movement will emerge from a defeat of Trump stronger and better able to win victories.

BY: John Bachtell| March 14, 2017
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Standing together in protest: Unity will Trump hate

Standing together in protest: Unity will Trump hate

The coalition must be broader and deeper than ever before.

BY: John Bachtell| December 14, 2016
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Forward to defeat Trump

Forward to defeat Trump

The most persuasive argument to convince many working-class and struggling people to register and to vote is a simple comparison of the positions of candidates.

BY: Joelle Fishman| August 18, 2016
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