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1231-1240 OF 1,275 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Making a Peaceful and Non-Violent World: The Challenge of Our Times

Opening remarks to the National Committee. ' that horrific instant and the weeks that have followed, domestic and world politics took an altogether new, frightening, dangerous, and unanticipated turn.' '...Rather than bringing us closer to a solution to the problem, the administration's response to the terrorist attack is sharpening every struggle to the extreme, endangering every democratic gain won over the past seven decades and, most ominously, plunging the nation...

October 18, 2001
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The Great 2000 Election Battle

The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Committee to the November 20 meeting of the CPUSA National Board. Updates to follow. Introduction Today is November 20, 2024. In sixty days, on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is scheduled to take the presidency. What protections, guardrails, solidarity relationships can be fought for in these sixty days that will strengthen our conditions of...

BY:Jarvis Tyner|October 16, 2001
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Globalization and the Class Struggle Today

More and more, Communists and the left must make the linkage clear and fight for the global integration of struggles to match the global economic integration now dominated by monopoly capital. Some have called it globalizing peace, justice and equality.

October 10, 2001
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Women's Equality and the Struggle for Democracy: Convention Call

The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Committee to the November 20 meeting of the CPUSA National Board. Updates to follow. Introduction Today is November 20, 2024. In sixty days, on January 20, 2025, Donald Trump is scheduled to take the presidency. What protections, guardrails, solidarity relationships can be fought for in these sixty days that will strengthen our conditions of...

BY:Dee Miles|October 09, 2001
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Afghanistan: Some overlooked history

Since the horrific events of Sept. 11, much has been said about the desperate situation of the Afghani people now crushed under the heel of the theocratic, dictatorial Taliban, and about the role of the Northern Alliance and other Taliban opponents who now figure in Washington's plans for the region. Some background helps shed light on the current crisis.

October 09, 2001
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Pre-Convention Opening Report

This is a political crisis of serious proportions. Bush and his crowd are trying to achieve by anti-democratic - one could convincingly argue fascist - methods what they could not achieve by fair and democratic means. It is a thinly veiled attempt to undo the people's will and takeover over all three branches of our federal government. It is a clear and imminent danger to our constitutional and democratic rights....

October 09, 2001
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Women's Equality Conference March 24, 2001 Opening Report

We want to very briefly review the foundation from which we start by considering the ideas of Marx, Engels, and Lenin on the question of women’s equality. We want to take a look at the most current statistical data available on working class and poor women in the United States today. We want to take a brief look at the work of the party the in the area of women....

BY:Dee Miles|October 09, 2001
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Report from the Structure and Organization Committee

Most comrades have responded really well to changes and have been responsive to the idea that we need to take a fresh look at how we do things. So our committee was not starting from scratch. Our work is part of an ongoing discussion that has been in motion with the transition for over a year now. The process should and will continue even after the National Convention.

BY:Evelina Alarcon|October 09, 2001
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New Setting of the Class Struggle and Industrial Concentration

We are dealing with the largest working class in our history. Not counting farm labor, figures that I was not able to come up with, there are roughly 130 million workers in the U.S. economy today. If you add in the unemployed, who are very much part of the working class, then the figure is probably closer to 135 million. For comparison, in 1948 there were a little more than...

October 09, 2001
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Keynote Address, 27th CPUSA National Convention

A Convention is a crowning moment in the life of a Communist Party. It is the highest deliberative and decision-making body in our Party's structure. Unlike the conventions of the Democratic and Republican parties, our Convention doesn't aim to showcase a few leaders, but rather to be a model of working-class democracy, of thoughtful and comradely discussion, and of democratic decision-making.

BY:Sam Webb|October 08, 2001
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