Search Results

1071-1080 OF 1,229 RESULTS FOR "progressive"

Youth and the Fight to Defeat the Ultra-Right: How Do We Fit In?

Our generation is under attack. Despite his bad showing with youth, Bush has showed that the close 2004 elections won't slow down the ultra-right when it comes to political and educational policies for youth and students. The White House's 2005 budget proposals cut funding for mentoring and tutoring programs, pit Pell grants against Perkins loans, and leave fire departments fighting school boards for resources. The Bush administration continues to push...

May 07, 2005
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Convention Discussion: A Party of Advanced American Democracy

Submitted by John Case, W. Virginia. "We've never solved one single problem in this country with less democracy. We've never moved forward with less participation." Bill Clinton "What is the character of a party of 21st century socialism?" Answering this question presents a special challenge, even before engaging its substance, to navigate the special vocabulary of 20th century socialist and communist dialog. It is a vocabulary substantially imported from political...

BY:John Case|March 18, 2014
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Convention Discussion: The Communist Party & the Young Generation

Young people today are facing enormous challenges. The Great Recession made these already difficult challenges far more severe. Even before the economic downturn, a 3-decade long right-wing assault on the social safety net led to enormous instability among this section of the population.

BY:CP/YCL Collective|April 09, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Grassroots clubs for the 21st Century

Submitted by the State Committee, Connecticut Communist Party USA The biggest issue before our 30th national convention is the role and work of the Communist Party USA. Our experience shows that the challenges and opportunities to build our Party in the changing conditions of the new century can be met with mass-style grassroots neighborhood clubs The essence of the Communist Party is to achieve workers' power and a more...

Convention Discussion: Let's Speak Louder in the Struggle for Immigrant Workers' Rights

Submitted for discussion by Emile Schepers, Virginia District.

BY:Emile Schepers|March 05, 2014
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Beware The Trump!

Listen to Donald Trump and we can see that in this election democracy is at stake. The election is close. It will take a united landslide voter turnout to win. Bring family and friends. Beware the Trump.

The CPUSA and the African American Liberation struggle: a global perspective

The Party’s contribution to the struggle for racial equality in the US is part of the historical record, although it rarely gets the attention it deserves in historical accounts. Two recent books go far toward filling this void and providing a much needed window on this topic by zeroing in on the life of one towering figure in this riveting story.

BY:Ben Sears|May 01, 2016
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Post-Trump: The struggle ahead

With Trump’s defeat, the country stands on the threshold of a new political period. One phase of the anti-right struggle, the battle for the presidency and Congress, is almost complete. Another phase, the struggle for the soul of the nation, is now taking shape. Things are shifting, albeit slowly, even dangerously, but overall in a better direction. The Supreme Court’s apparently unanimous one-sentence refusal to hear the GOP’s...

December 11, 2020
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Economy and the need for a new public works program

Everyone in this room knows were in bad shape, and its not getting better. Every month this year has brought worse news on unemployment numbers, May brought a 0.5% increase to bring the total to 5.5%, an increase that was the largest since the mid-1980s, and the highest rate since late 2004. Over the past six months private-sector employment has fallen by 411,000; the long-term unemployed share is up to...

Think Tank report, trade and industrial policy

Im going to both start with a list of questions. Hopefully Ill provide some information, a few suggestions, maybe even have a few answers. 1. How do we create and build jobs to sustain our trade, decrease the deficit, and maintain sustainability in this global economy? 2. How do we build labor internationally to raise the standards of living and guarantee or at least progress towards fair wages and working...|May 10, 2008
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