Workers reject individual violence in favor of engaging in collective struggle like strikes and electoral struggle to move society forward. Worker led unity in struggle is our weapon.
Revised resolution #5 on defeating the fascist right in the 2024 election.
SACP Central Committee statement evaluating recent South African elections.
Project 2025 will not by itself usher in fascism. It will be the struggle over Project 2025’s implementation that will determine the shape of things to come.
Political violence is not limited to elected officials, it is a plague on the lives of workers and oppressed peoples in the U.S.
Engaging millions in mass protest, not violence, is the path to social change
If the South African Democratic Alliance was the biggest winner of the elections the biggest loser was the majority of the South African people.
Our vote is a tactical collective action taken in conjunction with millions of other working class and oppressed people, based on the immediate political reality.
Communist and Socialist contributions to the struggle for Gay Rights are deserving of both recognition and analysis.
In forming these guidelines, we remind every member of the party to be mindful. Their posts reflect on the Party's public image, whether it is on a personal, club, or national account. 1. Accounts must be approved by your club and district and should be collectively run. No personal opinions or individual analysis should be posted to these accounts. Never tweet/post in first person, we function as a...