Working Class

DC Metro CPUSA denounces Trump’s racist “dog whistle” on diversification of suburbs

DC Metro CPUSA denounces Trump’s racist “dog whistle” on diversification of suburbs

DC Metro Communists ask: Why should working-class people of any race have to worry about finding a decent place to live, with excellent schools, parks, and other amenities nearby?

BY: D.C. Metro CPUSA| August 14, 2020
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Organize the unemployed!

Organize the unemployed!

The key to organizing the unemployed is to think "region," not "occupation."

BY: Les Bayless| June 25, 2020
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How can we engage the working poor?

How can we engage the working poor?

How the CPUSA can build community with the working poor.

BY: Chloé Caldasso| June 12, 2020
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With solidarity, a better world is possible

With solidarity, a better world is possible

A young comrade writes, "With that intense feeling of comradery, there is no reason to accept the world as it is."

BY: Ricardo Soto| May 1, 2020
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Bernie’s campaign ends, but the people’s movement continues

Bernie’s campaign ends, but the people’s movement continues

Regardless who is elected, it is the organized movement of masses of people that effects  change.

BY: Eric Brooks| April 9, 2020
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