
Marxist IQ: Women and the fight for democracy and socialism

Marxist IQ: Women and the fight for democracy and socialism

From the beginning, women have played essential leading roles in revolutionary working-class and democratic movements.

BY: Communist Party USA| March 6, 2023
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A few of the Communist women who shaped U.S. history

A few of the Communist women who shaped U.S. history

Major histories of women in and of the CPUSA have yet to be written, just as true women’s equality has yet to be won in the United States.

BY: Norman Markowitz| March 3, 2023
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Etta Furlow’s struggle for democracy, justice, and socialism

Etta Furlow’s struggle for democracy, justice, and socialism

St. Paul's African American party leader left behind a community-celebrated legacy of labor and civil rights struggle.

BY: Rebecca Pera| February 15, 2023
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It’s going to take a mass movement

It’s going to take a mass movement

Building the working-class and democratic movements — and building the party — remain key to fighting the fascist danger.

BY: Joe Sims| February 3, 2023
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Welcome home, Brittney

Welcome home, Brittney

The struggle for Brittney Griner's freedom is part of a larger struggle for the liberation of all people of color, women, LGBTQ+, and working people.

BY: Eric Brooks| December 17, 2022
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