Extreme right

A tale of two FBI raids

A tale of two FBI raids

  Just before the FBI descended on Donald Trump's Florida residence last week,  they conducted raids on the headquarters and homes of a Pan Africanist group in St. Petersburg, Florida,...

August 16, 2022
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The Trumpist Supreme Court: Off the rails of democracy

The Trumpist Supreme Court: Off the rails of democracy

The history behind the Court’s blitzkrieg against the people's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

BY: Norman Markowitz| August 5, 2022
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As the far right grows, so should the all-people’s front

As the far right grows, so should the all-people’s front

To fight the extreme right, we need a broad movement.

BY: Michael Arney| June 16, 2022
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Right-wing attackers target People’s Forum in NYC

Right-wing attackers target People’s Forum in NYC

A progressive organization is attacked. We must stand together and defend them.

Defend democracy!

Defend democracy!

The forces behind January 6 are not going away—yet.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 14, 2022
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