
Engels on human rights and the abolition of classes

Engels on human rights and the abolition of classes

Engels argued that the real demand of the workers is not class equality but the abolition of classes.

BY: Thomas Riggins| April 28, 2020
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The Communist Manifesto:  Still revolutionizing the world

The Communist Manifesto: Still revolutionizing the world

The Communist Manifesto of 1948 explained.

BY: Paul Krehbiel| April 3, 2020
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The Marxist Classes: Marx and Engels on the Civil War

The Marxist Classes: Marx and Engels on the Civil War

This webinar examines the writings of Marx and Engels on the American Civil War, emphasizing the importance of these writings for thinking about race, class, and revolution today.

BY: Communist Party USA| May 9, 2018
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Engels’ “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific”

Engels’ “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific”

Engels' "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific" is discussed in this webinar.

BY: Communist Party USA| October 18, 2017
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