climate change

The Green New Deal’s success will come from a focus on jobs, restructuring, and the role of the working class

The Green New Deal’s success will come from a focus on jobs, restructuring, and the role of the working class

If organized labor and the Communist Party take the lead on the Green New Deal, it could open the door to a new economy where workers and communities are the...

BY: Lowell B. Denny, III| October 21, 2019
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“The best available science” calls for an ethically managed economy

“The best available science” calls for an ethically managed economy

"The best available science" is a code of ethics in resource management.  We need to apply it to the economy as a whole, which means getting rid of a system...

BY: A. Jake Benecke| October 21, 2019
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Mass killings, Marxism, and skin in the game

Mass killings, Marxism, and skin in the game

My nephew remembers everything about the first time he let his daughter, and two friends, attend a local event without parent supervision. Here’s what he said to his daughter as...

BY: Len Yannielli| October 8, 2019
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Organizing an unstoppable force for our future in 2020

Organizing an unstoppable force for our future in 2020

Celebrating the 100th birthday of the Communist Party is letting us draw from the past, in order to steel ourselves and inspire ourselves for 2020 and all the giant fights...

BY: Joelle Fishman| October 7, 2019
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World at a crossroads: saving humanity and nature requires global unity

World at a crossroads: saving humanity and nature requires global unity

The struggle over foreign policy must be waged within the broad anti-right alliance especially challenging military spending.

BY: John Bachtell| April 15, 2019
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