This Week @CPUSA

This Week @CPUSA: Cancel culture? Give us a break!

This Week @CPUSA: Cancel culture? Give us a break!

Conservatives decry "cancel culture," but what they really want is a safe space for racism and white supremacy.

BY: Communist Party USA| March 5, 2021
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This Week @CPUSA: No to Syria bombing!

This Week @CPUSA: No to Syria bombing!

U.S. imperialism in Syria, the COVID-19 relief package, and more.

BY: Communist Party USA| February 26, 2021
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This Week @CPUSA: Is the $15 minimum wage in trouble?

This Week @CPUSA: Is the $15 minimum wage in trouble?

The crisis in Texas, the fight for the $15 minimum wage, and more.

BY: Communist Party USA| February 19, 2021
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This Week @CPUSA: The political party crisis

This Week @CPUSA: The political party crisis

  Trump's trial in the Senate, the GOP in crisis, and a look at the CPUSA's growth and challenges. Plus: Is socialism inevitable? Image: DonkeyHotey (CC BY-SA 2.0).

BY: Communist Party USA| February 12, 2021
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This Week @CPUSA: CNN’s anti-communism and lying

This Week @CPUSA: CNN’s anti-communism and lying

CNN lies about the Smith Trial defendants, the Senate passes the COVID relief bill, and more.

BY: Communist Party USA| February 5, 2021
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