Marxist IQ: Women’s history month (answers)

Marxist IQ: Women’s history month (answers)


1. For Marxists and Communists, the struggle to achieve gender equality is foremost a question of


b. both uniting the working class to eliminate the super profits the capitalist class gains by paying female workers significantly less than male workers and fighting against male chauvinism, which, like white chauvinism, divides the working class.


2. In 1968, the CPUSA ran its first presidential candidate since 1940. Who was she?


c. Charlene Mitchell


3. Since the destruction of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Treaty Allies in Eastern Europe in the name of “freedom and democracy” at the beginning of the 1990s, virtually all sociological studies show that the status of women in these countries has


d. has plunged as the percentage of women in leading positions in all areas of life has dropped very sharply and women have been major victims of the elimination of socialist full employment policies along with the repeal of long-established reproductive rights in law and an increase in sexual harassment.


4. While women have made important gains over the last half century, these gains have often been contradictory. Which of the following are examples of these contradictions?


a. The loss of social benefits to single-parent households and the growing representation of women among low-income workers (58%).
b. The pandemic-induced exodus of women from the workforce. Often paid less than their partners, women workers have been forced to quit their jobs to do the unpaid labor of caring for children and supervising their children’s online education.
c. The “glass ceiling” effect, preventing women from advancing through promotions in fields where they previously had no positions
d. The undermining of legislation and policy to establish equal pay for equal work
e. All of the Above


5. Woman members of the Communist Party, USA have made major contributions to a wide variety of people’s struggles and victories in American history. Which one of the following was not a woman who made major contributions to people’s struggles as a CPUSA activist?


c. Florence Harding



Your score


0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!!
1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.
2 to 3 wrong: Class-conscious worker—study harder.
4 to 5 wrong: Danger! Deviations possible. Study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism!