Marxist IQ: Fascism and anti-fascism, then and now (answers)




1. Marxists compare Trump with past fascist leaders like Hitler and Mussolini because they all


a. incite and glorify violence by military and police forces as the solution to all problems.
b. make themselves the center of a “leader cult.”
c. use immigrants, ethnic and/or religious minorities, and left parties as scapegoats for all social problems.
d. promise to restore “national greatness” by invoking a new Roman Empire (Mussolini), a Third Reich (Hitler), and Make America Great Again (Trump).
e. All of the above



2. Behind the rhetoric of fascist leaders and parties, including Trump, Marxists see policies that


c. attempt to establish an open terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary sectors of the capitalist class to serve and protect monopoly capitalism.



3. Marxists see Trump’s use of conspiracy theories as in the tradition of which of the following?


b. The German Nazi Party’s attack on a “Jewish Bolshevik” conspiracy controlling the media and seeking to destroy the “real” Germany in the 1920s



4. Which organizations and individuals in U.S. history were linked to fascism?


a. The pro-Nazi appeasement “America First” movement funded by big business and led by Charles Lindbergh before U.S. entry into WWII
b. Senator Joe McCarthy’s charges of “Soviet spies and Communist agents” controlling the government and Democratic party leadership in the 1950s
c. Governor George Wallace’s 1968 racist American Independent Party presidential campaign and incitement of violence, calling for supporters to use their cars to run over demonstrators protesting his rallies
d. All of the above



5. Marxists, Communist parties, and underground movements worldwide developed which effective strategy to prevent the further spread of fascism after Hitler’s victory in Germany and then to defeat the fascist Axis powers in WWII?


c. Active support for the building of People’s Front organizations and coalitions to advance concrete programs to defeat fascist parties and later to build resistance movements to the puppets of and collaborators with the Axis powers


Score: 0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!!

1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.

2 to 3 wrong: Class conscious worker – study harder.

4 to 5 wrong: Danger! deviations possible. study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism!