Marxist IQ: American history hodgepodge (answers)

Marxist IQ: American history hodgepodge (answers)



1. A decade after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Britain was in the throes of a revolution which Marx and Engels saw as


c. the first major bourgeois political revolution in history.


2. In the U.S. anti-colonial revolution, the most thorough-going bourgeois democratic revolutionary ideas were seen in the writings of which person?


c. Tom Paine


3. During and after the revolutionary American Civil War, abolitionist Republican congressman Thaddeus Stevens represented the most advanced revolutionary democratic position because he advocated


a. abolishing slavery completely.
b. giving the former slaves full citizenship rights.
c. breaking up the large slave plantations and distributing the land to the former slaves.
d. All of the above


4. In a slogan which many believe he borrowed directly from socialists, early 20th-century Wisconsin anti-monopoly governor and senator Robert La Follette Sr. called his policy


c. “Economic Democracy.”


5. If Marx and Engels had lived through the 20th century and seen the Communist Party, USA, from its inception to the present, they would in all probability liken its struggles to what U.S. political group of their lifetime?


c. The abolitionists


6. Marxists in the U.S and throughout the world saw the Trump presidency as an example of


a. the 40-year war against democratic rights (civil rights and civil liberties) that characterized U.S. politics since the Nixon presidency.
b. the long-term economic stagnation crisis over decades, which led to austerity, wage suppression, and increased poverty and inequality in the U.S. and globally, policies called “neo liberalism.”
c. attempts to create a militarized police state to achieve domination over both rich and poor countries, capitalist and socialist countries, policies called “neo fascism.”
d. All of the above


Bonus question: Post-election struggle


7. While the fascist danger has not ended, Marxists and Communists in the wake of the November U.S. elections believe we should do which of the following?


c. Carry forward the broad people’s front coalition which defeated Trump by advancing domestic programs to eliminate inequality and poverty and a peace-oriented foreign policy based on elimination of the military-industrial complex and conversion to a peace-time economy


Score: 0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!!

1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.

2 to 3 wrong: Class conscious worker – study harder.

4 to 7 wrong: Danger! Deviations possible. Study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism!