Communist Party USA

Communist Party USA

The Communist Party USA is a  revolutionary working-class  political party founded in 1919 in Chicago, IL. The Communist Party stands for the interests of the American working class and the American people. It stands for our interests in both the present and the future. Solidarity with workers of other countries is also part of our work. We work in coalition with the labor movement, the peace movement, the student movement, organizations fighting for equality and social justice, the environmental movement, immigrants rights groups and the health care for all campaign. But to win a better life for working families, we believe that we must go further. We believe that the American people can replace capitalism with a system that puts people before profit — socialism. We are rooted in our country's revolutionary history and its struggles for democracy. We call for "Bill of Rights" socialism, guaranteeing full individual freedoms.

Webinar: Unity in fighting the right and the role of the CPUSA

Webinar: Unity in fighting the right and the role of the CPUSA

The role of the party is place a working-class stamp on the fight against the extreme right.

BY:Communist Party USA| July 21, 2019
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Unity against the extreme right and the Party’s role

Unity against the extreme right and the Party’s role

Broad unity against reactionary and fascist forces is key to the strategy detailed in the CPUSA’s Draft Program. CPUSA leaders discuss the dynamics and tensions behind the Party's popular front...

BY:Communist Party USA| July 21, 2019
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Is there an anti-racist majority in the USA?

Is there an anti-racist majority in the USA?

Trump's attacks on "The Squad," Lindsay Graham's red baiting, and the role of racism and xenophobia today are all debated in this week's edition.

BY:Communist Party USA| July 18, 2019
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Hey Trump and Graham: socialism is not unAmerican, you are!

Hey Trump and Graham: socialism is not unAmerican, you are!

Socialism  is as American as apple pie.  Let's recall that before the arrival of the Mayflower, the original Native American inhabitants held land in what is now the U.S. in...

BY:Communist Party USA| July 17, 2019
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