Young Communist League

NY YCL steps up coalition work

NY YCL steps up coalition work

YCLers in NYC say, "Shut it down for Palestine!"

CP activists gather to build the peace movement

CP activists gather to build the peace movement

  Grassroots activists from around the country met in New York City November 11–12 for a Communist Party USA peace conference. Responding to Israel’s razing of Gaza, the conference focused...

November 21, 2023
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From county farm to statewide fame, Nellie Stone Johnson’s journey

From county farm to statewide fame, Nellie Stone Johnson’s journey

Nellie Stone Johnson — radical farmer, African American union leader, civil rights activist, and YCL member — left an impressive legacy of struggle.

BY: Rebecca Pera| March 31, 2023
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It’s going to take a mass movement

It’s going to take a mass movement

Building the working-class and democratic movements — and building the party — remain key to fighting the fascist danger.

BY: Joe Sims| February 3, 2023
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New struggles on old foundations: the youth question today

New struggles on old foundations: the youth question today

An in-depth look at the role of young people and the Young Communist League in the struggle for our future.

BY: Cameron Orr| November 3, 2022
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