South African Communist Party

SACP on the South African election

SACP on the South African election

SACP Central Committee statement evaluating recent South African elections.

Behind the ANC’s election setback: Was the writing on the wall?

Behind the ANC’s election setback: Was the writing on the wall?

All eyes are on the makeup of the next South African government and what will happen next.

BY: Mark Waller| June 3, 2024
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International notes: Communists worldwide demand democracy and peace

International notes: Communists worldwide demand democracy and peace

Communists in Bangladesh and Peru are demanding democratic reforms. In Switzerland and South Africa, they are calling for peace and opposing U.S. interventions.

BY: CPUSA International Department| September 14, 2023
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SACP greets NY comrades on May Day

SACP greets NY comrades on May Day

Greetings from SACP leader Blade Nzimande to the 2023 May Day event organized by CPUSA, NY District and the NY Young Communist League.

The Ukraine war: A view from South Africa

The Ukraine war: A view from South Africa

Imperialism’s war is a global nightmare — we need to wake up and end it.

BY: Mark Waller| April 29, 2022
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