
Resolution on the 2024 Elections

Resolution on the 2024 Elections

Revised resolution #5 on defeating the fascist right in the 2024 election.

BY: CPUSA National Committee| July 25, 2024
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Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Industrial Concentration

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Industrial Concentration

Whereas, the newly adopted Program of the Party, The Road to Socialism USA, states: in the words of the Communist Manifesto, the working class is the only true revolutionary class...

BY: 28th National Convention| July 28, 2005
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Communist Party, USA: Resolution Endorsing the Employee Free Choice Act

Communist Party, USA: Resolution Endorsing the Employee Free Choice Act

Whereas, The National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935 to guarantee workers in the United States the right to organize and collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working...

BY: 28th National Convention| July 28, 2005
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Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Leonard Peltier

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on Leonard Peltier

Whereas, Leonard Peltier remains in prison even though findings by the Eighth Court of Appeals have shown the FBI improperly withheld evidence. This evidence would have acquitted Leonard Peltier. Yet...

BY: 28th National Convention| July 20, 2005
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Communist Party, USA: Resolution on the Iraq War

Communist Party, USA: Resolution on the Iraq War

Whereas, the Bush Administration launched a war on Iraq for the purpose of controlling that nations oil and other resources, and to gain strategic geopolitical advantage over its rivals in...

BY: 28th National Convention| July 20, 2005
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