
A handy guide to capitalism, socialism and democracy

A handy guide to capitalism, socialism and democracy

Introduction Speaking to the convention of the Ohio AFL-CIO in September, 2014, National AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, "The landscape is changing. There's a new story in America. Activism is...

October 20, 2016
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Lenin’s New York statue down but stature remains

Lenin’s New York statue down but stature remains

A fancy new owner wanted the statue removed but it's coming back by popular demand.

BY: Communist Party USA| September 29, 2016
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Marxist IQ: November 7th Answers

Marxist IQ: November 7th Answers

The main slogan of the October Revolution wasd) Peace, bread and land. 2. Lenin in the the period before the seizure of the Winter Palacec) Explored the possibility of a...

BY: Politicalaffairs.net| November 8, 2014
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Marxist IQ: November 7th, the days that shook the world

Marxist IQ: November 7th, the days that shook the world

  1. The main slogan of the October Revolution was a) Revolution in 1917, go for it! b) Socialism in one country. c) Long live permanent revolution. d) Peace, bread...

BY: Politicalaffairs.net| November 8, 2014
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Marxist IQ: October Revolution answers

Marxist IQ: October Revolution answers

1.  As they completed their lives and work in the last decades of the 19th century, both Marx and Engels saw Czarist Russia asc.  A semi-feudal empire on the brink...

BY: Politicalaffairs.net| November 4, 2014
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