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OPINION: Finances and the current crisis: How did we get here and what is the way out? Part 2

OPINION: Finances and the current crisis: How did we get here and what is the way out? Part 2

(To read Part 1, click here.) The turmoil in financial markets and the bailout to the tune of $700 billion has turned the public eye and wrath on Wall Street...

October 2, 2008
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Finances and the Current Crisis: How did we get here and what is the way out?

Finances and the Current Crisis: How did we get here and what is the way out?

If there were such a thing as a perfect economic storm, I would say we are close to it. The housing crisis continues and shows no sign of ending; credit...

September 28, 2008
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Ramming through the bailout

Ramming through the bailout

As the Bush administration attempts to ram a bailout package of nearly one trillion dollars through Congress, it begins to feel like Colonel Sanders asking the public to trust him...

September 24, 2008
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Barney Smith, not Smith Barney

Barney Smith, not Smith Barney

The shockwaves from the financial crisis have left working class families in every part of the country in a state of great worry and fear. Over $100 billion of public...

September 24, 2008
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Save Main Street Not Wall Street!

Save Main Street Not Wall Street!

Statement of the Communist Party USA The Bush Administration has proposed a massive bailout plan of at least $700 billion (maybe as much as $1.7 trillion) to stabilize the financial...

September 23, 2008
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