Los partidos proponen compartir sus experiencias y buscar acciones conjuntas en defensa de los migrantes, los trabajadores, la paz y el derecho a la autodeterminación.
Faced with the dangers posed by Trump, the parties propose to share their experiences and seek joint action in defense of migrants, workers, peace, and the right to self-determination.
Our tactics must build a mass base that is large enough, militant enough, united and organized enough to actually stop and reverse the slide into full-blown fascism.
The following report was given by Cameron Harrison to the CPUSA National Committee on Saturday, November 16th. Comrades, on the picket line the other day, a union sister told me...
The following report was given by Joelle Fishman on behalf of the CPUSA Political Action Commission to a meeting of the CPUSA National Committee on Saturday, Nov. 16. Thank...